Expert opinion
The PfB has many years of experience in the preparation of expert reports
due to the previous cooperation with the expert office Rüdiger Müller.
Expert reports in the PfB
This concerns all expert reports that can be carried out without a publicly
appointed and sworn expert.
The preparation of complaint lists and defect assessments on windows,
external doors and gates are an essential part of the expert’s work.
However, the PfB also assesses roller shutter systems, roller shutter boxes,
building connections and doors in the interior.
The focus of the appraisals is on the product properties
thermal insulation
Moisture resistance
Air permeability
Safety in use
Sound insulation
In addition to these activities, PfB can also carry out BlowerDoor
measurements on large-volume buildings. As a rule, the assessments are
carried out at the clients’ building projects or properties. If necessary, the
PfB’s laboratories and testing facilities can be used.
The expert reports are mainly prepared by the following employees with
the help of further assistants of the PfB, from the inspection of the
property to the preparation of the document or expert report. In addition,
to the general expert opinions, the three experts named below have the
following special knowledge due to their many years of testing activity
and work for various standards

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christoph Geiger
Thermal and moisture protection (calculations and technical verification)
Proof of tightness through blower door measurements
Thermal insulation analyses through the use of the high-resolution infrared camera
Moisture calculations and subsequent verification procedures with regard to condensation phenomena at building connections as well as building elements and profiles

Andreas Nerz
Test evidence of air permeability (blower door method/infrared camera)
Façade technology (with regard to constructions and tightness issues)
Power operated doors and gates

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Demmel
Entire hardware area (such as locks, hinges, escape route security)
Power operated doors and gates

Dipl.-Ing. Günter Borrmann
Automatic doors and gates