
PfBcert is a DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 accredited certification body in the field of product certification and part of PfB GmbH & Co. Prüfzentrum für Bauelemente KG.

PfBcert is also a recognised monitoring and certification body in accordance with the State Building Code (Landesbauordnung) for building products/types of construction in accordance with the “General Building Authority Approval/General Construction Type Approval” (Allgemein bauaufsichtliche Zulassung/Allgemeine Bauartgenehmigung) of the DIBt Berlin.

As an impartial and independent certification body, PfBcert helps to ensure that construction products comply with European and national requirements and can be used safely. Manufacturers of construction products/types of construction receive testing, monitoring and certification services from competent and dedicated PfBcert staff.

PfB offers its portfolio in terms of certification together with TÜV NORD GROUP and DMT GROUP.

Download the joint portfolio pdf. (German)



accredited and notified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065

Product Certification Body

PfBcert develops and maintains various product certification programmes within the framework of the existing certification system, which create confidence with regard to the fulfilment of specified requirements for the construction product.

Manufacturers can access the following certification schemes to mark their products with the ce mark according to the associated declaration of performance after successful certification.

  1. certification of burglar-resistant building elements and retrofit products, locks and building hardware, as well as windows and doors in the voluntary area.


Certification programme PfB-ZE 1 – Burglar-resistant building elements and retrofit products according to DIN EN 1627, DIN 18104-1, DIN 18104-2, (DIN V ENV 1627), (DIN 18106), DIN/TS 18194


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 3 – lever handles and security fittings according to EN 1906


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 6 – Windows and external doors according to DIN EN 14351-1 (voluntary certification for products in AVCP system 3 – without fire and/or smoke protection properties)
PfB-ZE 8


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 8 – Doors, French windows, gates, openings in buildings in accordance with DIN 18040-1, DIN 18040-2 and DIN 18040-3 – Accessibility.
  1. Certification of locks and building hardware as well as windows, doors and gates in the area of the EU-BauPVO


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 2 – Locks according to DIN EN 12209


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 4 – External doors with capability for release according to EN 14351-1


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 5 – Emergency exit and panic exit devices according to DIN EN 179 and panic exit devices according to EN 1125


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 7 – Doors, gates and windows with fire and/or smoke protection properties


Certification scheme PfB-ZE 9 – Interior doors with the ability to release according to DIN EN 14351-2

ATTENTION: Standard not yet harmonised



Certification Programme PfB-ZE 10 – Gates according to DIN EN 13241


Certification program PfB-ZE 11 – curtain walls according to EN 13830


recognised by the DIBt in accordance with the state building code

monitoring and certification body
for fire protection closures according to “General building authority approval/general construction type approval”.

Fire protection is, among other things, an essential basic requirement for buildings and must be fulfilled during normal maintenance over an economically reasonable period of time.

The manufacture of fire protection closures, among other things, places special requirements on manufacturers to comply with § 3 of the Model Building Code:

“Installations shall be arranged, erected, altered and maintained in such a way that

public safety and order, in particular life, health and the natural resources are not endangered”.

In order to guarantee this requirement, the involvement of independent testing, monitoring and certification bodies is prescribed in certain cases.

PfBcert offers applicants and manufacturers monitoring and certification of fire protection closures in accordance with the “General Building Authority Approval / General Construction Type Approval” number: Z-6.20-xxxx of the DIBt.

Successful monitoring and certification thus enables the manufacturer to mark his product with the necessary Ü mark (monitoring mark).