Ball impact safety
The fact that gymnasium doors have special requirements and designs, especially in terms of door fittings, is usually known to the expert planner. These are regulated, among other things, in the guideline for sports halls and in DIN 18032-1: 2003-09 “Sports halls – Halls and rooms for sports and multi-purpose use – Part 1: Principles for planning”.
The requirements for ball impact resistance according to DIN 18032-3 : 1997-04 “Sports halls – Halls for gymnastics and games and multi-purpose use – Part 3 Testing of ball impact resistance” apply to walls, infill panels and glass.
The test distinguishes between two types of use: The use as a ball games hall with air-filled balls, here tested representatively with a handball, and the use also for ball games with hard balls. Representative for this is the test with a hockey ball. The use and thus the test evidence is to be determined by the operator in advance.
In addition to laboratory tests, the PfB also carries out tests on site, i.e. on existing gymnasiums as evidence.
It applies to all construction elements used in the interior which can be hit by a:
- Basketball
- Fist ball
- Foot ball
- Hand ball
- Field hockey ball
- Medicine ball
- Prellball
- Tennisball
- Volleyball
The construction elements are shot at with the corresponding balls. The hits should be distributed as evenly as possible over the surface of the test element.
If weak points are found with regard to strength, function or safety, two further shots are indicated on these points.
Testing of ceiling elements
Ceiling elements are mounted on a test ceiling. The test is carried out with a handball.
Number of shots: 36
Impact speed: 16.5 ± 0.8 m/s
Impact angle: 12 shots vertically against the element
12 shots each, two different directions, impact angle 60°.
Testing of wall elements
Wall elements are mounted on a test wall. The test is carried out with a handball and a hockey ball.
Number of shots: 54
Impact velocity: 23.5 ± 1.2 m/s
Impact angle: 30 shots Impact angle 90°.
12 shots each, two different directions, angle of impact 45°.
Hockey ball
Number of shots: 12
Impact velocity: 18.0 ± 0.9 m/s
Impact angle: 4 shots each, impact angle 90°
4 shots each, two different directions, impact angle 60°.
Balls with the following characteristics are used for the test:
Weight: 425 b to 475 g
Diameter: 18.5 cm to 19.1 cm
Internal pressure: 1.2 bar
Hockey balls
Weight: 156 g to 163 g
Diameter: 7.1 cm to 7.5 cm
Filling: pressed cork/plastic
Test evaluation
The evaluation is carried out visually. The structural elements must not show any impairment in their strength, function or safety after being fired upon. Furthermore, they must not have changed their appearance excessively.